Today’s card (9-21)

Another day, another card.

The stamps are from Kim Hughes’ collection for Cornish Heritage Farms. Such happy stuff. Sometimes, one just needs to play with happy stuff.

Hope you are having a great weekend!

The stars have aligned, and I’m lucky to be rockin’ out this weekend. 😉

No, no. John Mayer isn’t in town.

Yesterday, I got to see and hear the band who sings “Little of Your Time”and “Won’t Go Home Without You.

And, today, I get to hear a rock band, who penned one of my favorite songs when I was in/or barely out of diapers.

“if the real thing don’t do the trrrr-ick…..
…….you better make up something quickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk….”

Gosh. Can’t. Stinkin’. Wait. Last time I saw them, I was a teen-ager. Back then, it was an acoustic concert that was filmed for a video. Yes, the show was great back then, but it was kind of a sham in some ways.  The band took regular make- up breaks. And the first few rows of the audience were all actors who were decked out in suits and stuff. The rest of the theater was filled with pretty normal folks in  T-shirts and casual street clothes. My friend and I waited all afternoon outside the theater for that show just so we could be in the first row of the “real” people. Our efforts weren’t in vain. The back side of our arms appeared in the video…. lol. Still, I have yearned all these years to hear that favorite song live with real screeching vocals and loud electric guitars guitar (and with make-up breaks before or after).

See you tomorrow. I’ll be a much more happy, content girl. 😉

5 thoughts on “Today’s card (9-21)

  1. I had to google those lyrics to figure out who you meant, lol! Obviously I would totally stink on “name that tune”

    Awesome card! Love that bit of green with the kraft. And the birdie is adorable!

  2. Cute cute card and I have to tell you I wore the cherry earrings with the cutest top this weekend and got so many sweet compliments on them! Have you ever made a lemon pair?! Thanks again…they’ll get alot of wear! 🙂

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