Caffeinated Christmas Card Challenge 30

Hi, everyone! I could not resist putting my thinking cap on and pulling out some stamps to try to make a card for the latest Caffeinated Christmas Card Challenge #30. The challenge this time is to make a masculine themed Christmas card.

A handmade card for Christmas by Teri |

I pulled out the Mug Hugs set from Sunny Studio to stamp the cups, along with the snowflakes, heart and candy cane. I’ve had this stamp set for a long time and have always fussy cut the cups when I have used this set. I just recently added the dies to my stash… and gosh… what a time saver! You know what that means? More time to make cards.

I was trying hard to make the card seem masculine so I added the green and blue patterned papers to the background. I also added some circles cut from a recycled piece of cardboard. (I have crazy trick for recycling cardboard for crafts. Get a piece of a corrugated cardboard box wet. Tear off one side. Let it sit and dry overnight. You’ll end up with something like what I have here.) By the way, the patterned papers I used are also from Sunny Studio. These are all scraps from other projects, just pieced together to make the big pattern on the card base.

A handmade card for Christmas by Teri |

Again, trying to keep the card masculine, I tried to use more manly colors…. other than on the heart. Just couldn’t do it. I needed that pink on it, but at least it’s soft and not too bold.

Alrighty! That’s it for me. Thanks for checking out my card…. and thanks to the Caffeinated Christmas Challenge crew for the nudge to make this card with their challenge!

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